Clymer NY Wedding & Event DJ John Gallagher

Unforgettable celebrations in Clymer, NY such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary or other type of special event deserve professional DJ entertainment to keep the party fun and memorable! John Gallagher Wedding & Special Event Entertainment has years of experience giving you complete peace of mind. John is eager to hear your creative planning ideas. He’ll make those ideas a reality and you’ll cherish the memories for years to come. Venue owners at Bear Ridge Destination, Majestic Woods and Peek’n Peak Resort & Spa in Clymer have worked with John Gallagher for years and highly recommend his wedding & event DJ entertainment.
Want to add additional excitement? Then our Snapblast Photo Booth would be perfect! Customized photo strips, welcome screen, and so much more! Interested? Contact John Gallagher Wedding & Special Event Entertainment today!
Want to add additional excitement? Then our Snapblast Photo Booth would be perfect! Customized photo strips, welcome screen, and so much more! Interested? Contact John Gallagher Wedding & Special Event Entertainment today!
clymer ny wedding dj | special event dj entertainment
When you choose John Gallagher, you receive:
plan your wedding or event online
The planning process starts with your ideas and 24-hour access to my online planning tools. Log in to the client area of and get set for the best wedding ever…yours!
Let’s take the next step and work together. Get in touch with John Gallagher today!
quick connect
From the first phone call inquiry to the tear down of equipment, John was a pleasure to work with. Thanks for an unforgettable night!!!